
All services are available in person, by phone or virtually (zoom).

Customize Meal Plans and Consultation (14 days)

• Initial Nutrition Assessment (15 minutes)  dietary goals and concerns. Via zoom or Phone
• 14 days Customized Meal Plan (based on likes and dislikes if possible) created to accommidate dietary restriction due to heath concerns
• Easy to follow recipes (no previous cooking skills required)
• Weekly viewable meal plan 
• Detailed weekly grocery shopping list 
• Daily detailed nutritional breakdown of all recipes

Additional weekly meal plans available add $100/ week

Investment $350

Non- Customized 21 day Meal Plan

Sugar Detox / Keto/ 40-30-30 / Diabetic/ Mediterranean/

• Easy to follow recipes (no previous cooking skills required)
• Weekly viewable meal plan 
• Detailed weekly grocery shopping list 
• Daily detailed nutritional breakdown of all recipes

Customization of 3 Week Meal Plans add $75

Investment $300

3- Day Dietary Analysis

Dietary assessment analysis eating patterns, quantity, and quality of food consumed. Dietary assessment measures total energy (calories) specific amounts of nutrients (macro and micro), and diversity of food intake. A dietary assessment is also used to determine the deficiencies in vitamins and mineral that the body requires to help prevent disease-related outcomes.


  • 3 Day analysis of recorded meal
  • Detailed Vitamin and Mineral content
  • Macro- Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat distribution
  • Recommendation to achieve nutritional goals

Investment $200

Customized Weekly Meal Plans available for:

Keto, Diabetes, Menopause, Mediterranean, IBS, Anti-inflammatory and many more.

Investment $150/ week

Personal Training/ Classes

Transition Training uses a variety of equipment for at home exercising
Set yourself up for success.



Mini Fitness Consultation and Initial Exercise Program


  • 2 session package, Fitness Assessment (approximately 1.5 hours over 2 sessions)
  • Health Questionnaire
  • Goal Planning
  • Target Heart Rate 
  • Muscle assessment 
  • 3-week Exercise Program (with demonstrations and progressions)
  • Post exercise stretches 

Investment $200

Fitness Program Updates Including Training Session and Corrections

Investment $100/session  

Personal Training 

Investment  $75.00/hour

 One on One Personal Training Packages

60 minute session
Includes: 1 program updates

Investment Packages

10 sessions 60 min   Prepaid                           $650

30-minute sessions
Includes: 1 program update

10 sessions 30 min                                            $350


Group Fitness Classes –In person or virtual 

Yoga Classes 

Bootcamp Workouts for Groups  (minimum 4 people- drop in fee)                                                                                                        Please enquire for details and pricing.                                                               


Payments to made in full prior to all services provided. Etransfer accepted :