How toxic are you?
There is no way to know for sure. Being “toxic” is a euphemism (you are not really toxic) used to describe the fact that the many toxic substances that we are exposed to, enter our body and do not necessarily leave. Toxins can be from the environment, our food or created in our body as part of normal body function. If toxins are in the body, they must leave the body and there are a few systems in the body that must do the detoxification.
The key player is the liver which can rid the body of all toxins. The colon and gut bacteria assist as our good gut bacteria can remove many toxins before they enter the body if we have sufficient levels. Gut bacteria also supports liver function. Good colon function ensures toxins leave and poor colon function allows bad bacteria to produce more toxins we need to get rid of. We can also eliminate some toxins through the skin by sweating.
So how toxic are you? It depends how many toxic chemicals such as drugs, medications, and food additives you ingest through your digestive and intestinal system or through your skin or lungs. Also, how well your body functions will determine how many toxins you will make such as inflammatory chemicals and excess hormones. Even stress and negative attitudes can produce more chemicals that need to be detoxed out.
How do you know if you are “toxic”?
Here are some symptoms associated with a sluggish system that is having trouble removing all the toxic substances the body has to deal with. There may be other reasons for each of these symptoms but when there seems to be no logical reason for them or you have too many of them, then a sluggish detoxification system may be the cause.
☐ Fatigue ☐ Headaches ☐ Joint pain ☐ Muscle aches ☐ Sinus congestion ☐ Runny nose ☐ Food cravings ☐ Heartburn ☐ Bad breath ☐ Excessive sweating ☐ Sinus problems
☐ Gas and bloating ☐ Diarrhea ☐ Constipation ☐ Extremely strong-smelling stools ☐ Sleep problems ☐ Memory issues ☐ Brain fog and difficulty concentrating ☐ Fluid retention ☐ Trouble losing weight |
☐ Canker sores ☐ Skin problems such as acne, hives, rashes, eczema and psoriasis ☐ Puffy, dark circles under the eyes ☐ PMS (premenstrual syndrome) ☐ Other menstrual issues ☐ Yeast infections and other fungal problems thrush, athlete’s foot, skin and toenail fungus or ringworm
Should you do a detox cleanse?
A cleanse can speed up the process of detoxification by either supplying the body with nutrients that the liver uses for detox or limiting consumption of food to save the energy needed to digest foods and make it available for the liver to do more detoxing. A good cleanse is a combination of both.
This is a great way to reboot your system, allowing you to feel better. Ideally you would detox daily. Eating foods that support detoxing daily and giving the body digestive rest in the evening and through the night is how the body has been designed to eliminate toxins. But for the those who have not been supplying the body with this kind of support, a cleanse can speed up the process so that in the future, daily detoxing is sufficient.
The best cleanse will combine eating less food but provide enough to function well and supply the needed nutrients to aid the liver detoxification process. It will also provide support for the good gut bacteria and colon function which are also essential for successful detoxing.
The 7 Day Hormone Reboot is a good example of a cleanse that can do just that. It contains plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, which all contain the phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that the liver loves to use for detoxification. It also has essential fatty acids, other good fats and protein, all of which help the liver. Probiotic and prebiotic foods are added to aid our good gut bacteria and colon function.
The key to this reboot is that there are foods added to support thyroid and the adrenals. When it comes to detoxing, most cleanses do not consider how other systems affect the liver and the detox process. Hormones play a role in how well you detox and many of the symptoms that indicate you need to detox are also symptoms of hormones issues. Everything is connected.
How does it work?
First, the food is clean with no added chemicals preservatives, additives, or pesticides residues. There is minimal cooking for the first four days and a lot of it is raw, so it contains plenty of enzymes to aid digestion which frees up energy for detoxing. And finally, it supports the gut, the colon, and key hormonal systems throughout the body.
The last three days provide more clean foods but with a higher nutrition and calorie density so you will not feel depleted.
You may get detox reactions on this re-boot but that is okay. It has been designed to minimize this but you may still experience reactions.
What are detox reactions?
The two most common are headaches and fatigue. When toxins, stored in cells of the body, are moved into the blood system to go to the liver, they can make a person feel poorly. This passes. Other detox reactions tend to be symptoms you are already prone to. If you have acne, you will break out. If your joints are stiff, you will be stiffer. But this does not last. For most people, they start feeling better by the fourth day.
If you feel better at the end of the week but still think you are somewhat toxic, contact me to take it to the next level with the
28 day Healthy Hormone Reset Program . (For women and men)
Be sure to drink plenty of clean water – spring water is best. Do not drink reverse osmosis or distilled water. Water helps flush out the toxins. Get plenty of sleep which also helps the process.